A few pictures taken last month. First of all,

... one morning we were on the sofa with Rymy when my phone suddenly rang. I moved to pick it up, I guess I accidentally pushing the dog a bit or at least disturbing him in the sense that he moved
on his own. The next second I realize he's fallen of the sofa with a thumb but against all expectations, he
simply continued sleeping on the floor. Didn't open his eyes, not even
once. I laughed, honestly.

Rymy has a very special style when it comes to playing.

Same goes for sleeping... firstly, when I'm on the computer, some part of him just has to touch me. This time it was his paw against my scary toes. And secondly, the position; it's really one of his favorites - yet again, it took a lot NOT to laugh and wake up both of my sleeping men :D
"How ya doin'?" (like Joey would go, obviously ^^;) I don't understand how any girl could resist this face, not to mention the attitude.
When he isn't doing something "bad" outside, like digging or eating the terrace's carpet, Rymy often sits on this big pile of snow we have in the backyard. He can sit there for five minutes in a row, just watching the neighborhood and eating snow while at it. I'm kinda hoping he'll eat the whole pile so it won't melt and make a lake of our backyard come spring. We'll see.
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